I've been a bit confused,when I started this exercise,having looked at the "professional blogs",that I had to pick a topic and write about it.Then I learned that what was was wanted was my feeling about the exercise so far,which is why I wrote so little as I knew very little,also I didn't read it properly and didn't realise I needed 50 words!Having read my colleagues blogs I realise they have also had different perceptions of what was required.
At July 28, 2008 at 1:36 PM ,
waveney said...
Dear rant'nrave,
You obviously know that sometimes less is best. But the blog authority wants more so have fun writing some great words of wisdom
At August 3, 2008 at 1:29 PM ,
NSL Training Support Team said...
For most of the exercises you will explore the listed "thing" and then blog about your experience and thoughts. You have already started with the first. so, well done!
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